Flex uses Embeddables to create dynamic, fast loading landing pages without waiting on developers.
Flex is a leading e-commerce brand in the alternate period care space. Through their innovations with the Flex Disc and Flex Cup, they were looking for a way to create and rapidly test a new set of landing pages to help visitors decide which options was write for them.
With Embeddables already powering multiple dynamic quiz and assessment flows, Flex used the same platform to generate landing page variations knowing that Embeddables integrated seamlessly into their cart and checkout experience. The result? A landing page built in 24 hours - 10x faster than what their time constrained developers could do whilst also feeling distinctly theirs and not a cookie cutter template from a traditional page builder.
Write HTML without writing code using our no code canvas. Create custom layouts, generate clean and compliant JSON with full version control built in.
Use our editor to control every CSS property imaginable from border radius to background shadows - all without code. Add custom CSS properties with code if needed.
Add any Javascript you need, from powering custom animations to completing complex front end calculations with an in-built code editor.
Get started with our basic progress bar, page and component level animations including fade and appear. Add your own animations with Keyframe level control.
Your Embeddables content will look pixel perfect on desktop, tablet and mobile with breakpoint specific design controls.
Embeddables supports Google Fonts out the box and any font installed on your web page.
Book a Demo and get your design imported for free.
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